How To Overcome Your Fears, With One Simple Phrase.
It’s officially “Spooky Season”! In the month of jack-o'-lantern, ghosts, and all things spooky…it only seems right to spend a moment talking about Fear! After all, it's like THE month dedicated to fear right? Have you ever been afraid of haunted houses or the dark? Ever had a fear of spiders, roaches, or needles? There are so many different types of fears, each unique. I only just listed a few of mine.
But, fear doesn’t stop there. Let’s also discuss some of the not-so-talked-about ones...fear of rejection, loneliness, or failure. Fear of not being good enough, worth enough, or providing enough.
Do any of these resonate with you?
I had the honor this past week of speaking at my weekly Women’s Bible Study Group. I was asked to speak about what that week’s lesson meant to me or what God spoke to me through it. For context, we are currently reading a study called “Truthfilled” by Ruth Chou Simmons. It is about being filled with the truth of the Word so that we can weather any circumstances in life. The study is focused in Colossians.
A True Wakeup Call
“Why is it important that we believe who Christ says He is before we attempt to believe what He says about us or what we are to do in response?” My answer was this…Trust.
This was the question on the first page of the study for that week. This immediately made me pause. Page 1, Day 1, and Question 1. God was stopping me in my tracks and here is where a revelation happened….
We follow maps on our phones through our GPS right? Well, what is a map? It’s the paths of people that have been there before us and we trust it to get us to where we need to go.
Is that not what the Bible, God’s word is? A pathway? A map from the people who were there before us, showing us The Way.
We trust the GPS in our car, can we trust the GPS of God’s word?
How often do we try to lean on our own understanding rather than what we know to be true of God?
How often are we afraid of something because we feel the outcome is in our control and he might not answer us or come through the way we need and we sit in fear because we lack trust?
Changing The Narrative
As a Christian Neuro Coach, one of the transformational exercises I do with my clients has to do with rewiring their brains. Erasing neural networks in their brains that are not serving them or are hindering them and creating new ones of truth so they can transform into who God created them to be.
A simple explanation of how it works is first, we go through a detailed process of figuring out the broken thoughts and beliefs they have. Then, we go through a process of reminding them of the TRUTH about those things. We do this on repetition. It is called Synaptic Pruning.
It takes commitment, consistency, and work, every single day.
Once the process is complete, then the path of truth, and how to live from there has been created. Therefore, the old pathway is dissolved and gone.
The Ultimate Realization
I had the realization that when Paul told us in Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds….”, he had been teaching us this concept, giving us the instructions of how to train our brains, since Bible days.
God has been showing us that if our minds are rooted in truth, in His truth, we can trust that His Perfect Will, will come forth. We can trust him. We do not have to fear.
Do you know the most repeated phrase in the Bible? “Do Not Be Afraid.”
See…God knew we would have fear. The devil uses that to grip us and hold us so tightly.
So, because he is so faithful and knew we would need a daily reminder, he told us “Do not be afraid,” 365 times in the Bible. One for every day of the year.
When you choose not to be afraid, you choose to trust. When you choose to trust God, you live in freedom.
So, this month, as fears start to rise, let me encourage you to follow the GPS of God’s word.
You can trust him to lead you to your calling, your purpose, and to His will for your life.
“Do Not Be Afraid.”
If you are reading this and would like to talk more about what a life rooted in truth looks like, or are uncertain how to overcome some of your fears, let’s talk further.
Here’s to Big Hugs and Coffee Mugs!
Much love,