How are you stepping into 2025?

Every year around this time, I feel an undeniable pull to reflect, reprioritize, and reevaluate my life. It’s as though a spirit of inspiration for growth and change begins coursing through my veins. There’s always a deeper desire to live with even more intention than I already do.

My mind shifts into a creative state — dreaming bigger, strategizing deeper, and finding new ways to impact my family, my community, and God’s kingdom. And with that surge of inspiration comes the motivation to take action and turn those dreams into reality.

Does this resonate with you?

I’m not talking about resolutions. To be honest, I don’t believe in them. Resolutions often feel temporary, but truth declarations, goal setting, and vision casting — now those are different. If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve probably heard me say that those are the keys to unlocking true and lasting change.

But what I want to focus on right now is this:
The new year is a gift.
It’s a clean slate.
It’s an opportunity to align your life with your heart’s deepest desires and God’s plan for you.

Maybe that excites you, or maybe it feels overwhelming.

  • Perhaps you’re entering this year carrying discouragement from unmet goals.

  • Maybe you feel like your peace and joy have been stolen, and you can’t figure out why.

  • Or you’ve stopped dreaming altogether because the fear of failure feels too heavy, or the idea of big dreams seems unrealistic.

If any of this resonates with you, I want you to know something: You’re not alone.
I’ve been there — every single one of those scenarios (and more).

But I’m also here to tell you this:
You can do anything you set your mind to.
I’m living proof of it.

The secret? Consistency. Dreaming boldly and taking one intentional step every day toward your goals. When you align your life with your heart’s desires and God’s will, you’ll find yourself living the life you were created for.

The Gift of Reflection and a Fresh Start

I see the closing of a calendar year — or even a birthday year — as an important mile marker. It’s a time to:

  • Thank God for the gift of another year.

  • Reflect on what went well and what needs to change.

  • Embrace the fresh start to live differently moving forward.

One of my favorite reminders is this:
"We don’t have to be stuck in our mistakes or failures. We get to take what we’ve learned, use it to grow, and become better — to live better, love better, and do better."

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is the time to reflect, dream, and plan.

So here’s to 2025 — to dreaming big, creating intentional plans, and living a life that’s aligned with God’s purpose for you.

Let’s make this year the one where you step boldly into your calling.


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